Read more: http://www.koat.com/news/new-mexico/albuquerque/apd-seeks-water-donations-for-magdalena/-/9153728/20633084/-/14kqlwm/-/index.html#ixzz2X2uSPSKR
The demand for water in our state already surpasses its availability, and the situation is becoming even more dire due to extreme drought. That is why the project’s supporters and sponsors are committed to developing this much-needed resource on behalf of all New Mexicans. This state-of-the-art, eco-friendly project will be unique, producing its own power for operation through hydropower and solar energy. But more importantly, the project will create a new, sustainable and abundant source of water independent of compacts with other states.
This will be accomplished by replenishing a massive, underground aquifer in western New Mexico with rainwater that is currently lost to evaporation. The project will provide water to New Mexicans where it is needed most, and will also improve river habitat and water quality in the Rio Grande. With support from local, state, and federal agencies as well as New Mexico’s local communities, this project can begin delivering this desperately needed water within five years.
The article below is from the KOAT (Albuquerque) website.
As the village of Magdalena’s water shortage nears its second week, Albuquerque police and residents have decided to step up and help out.
The Albuquerque Police Department is asking residents to stop by the Prisoner Transport Center and drop off bottles of water, which have become the only source of cooking and drinking for so many in Magdalena.
There will be a mobile command unit available at the Coors Boulevard and Ellison Drive NW Walmart to take donations Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will also be a donation site at the Walmart located at Wyoming Boulevard and Academy Road NE on Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
“We just want to be a good neighbor here in New Mexico,” said Briane Dennison, APD Chaplain Commander. “Go down there and bless them with water… we’re looking to take two 25 ft. trailers full of donated water down to them.”
APD’s Operation Hope team also organized donations for Moore, Oklahoma after a tornado struck.
Using money from the Chaplain Unit Fund, APD has purchased two pallets of water. Since, Albuquerque residents have donated thousands of water bottles.
“It really shows the heart behind the badge,” said Dennison.
The deadline to drop off water donations is Friday at 8 a.m. If you’d like to donate money to the APD Chaplain Unit Fund, call 505-768-2131.
Read more: http://www.koat.com/news/new-mexico/albuquerque/apd-seeks-water-donations-for-magdalena/-/9153728/20633084/-/14kqlwm/-/index.html#ixzz2X2uSPSKR
Below, Governor Susana Martinez talks about Magdalena's
water problems with a KOB reporter.
water problems with a KOB reporter.
The new Augustin Plains Ranch LLC website, titled
"sanaugustinwater.com" - is a pathetic attempt to further
their PR campaign for the project. It's filled with nonsense,
and outright lies. Here's the photo and text
from their homepage:
The proposed Augustin Plains Ranch water pipeline project, much like the San Juan Chama River Project before it, has tremendous potential to supply New Mexico’s middle Rio Grande Valley with an abundance of water for centuries to come. .
The demand for water in our state already surpasses its availability, and the situation is becoming even more dire due to extreme drought. That is why the project’s supporters and sponsors are committed to developing this much-needed resource on behalf of all New Mexicans. This state-of-the-art, eco-friendly project will be unique, producing its own power for operation through hydropower and solar energy. But more importantly, the project will create a new, sustainable and abundant source of water independent of compacts with other states.
This will be accomplished by replenishing a massive, underground aquifer in western New Mexico with rainwater that is currently lost to evaporation. The project will provide water to New Mexicans where it is needed most, and will also improve river habitat and water quality in the Rio Grande. With support from local, state, and federal agencies as well as New Mexico’s local communities, this project can begin delivering this desperately needed water within five years.
Well, golly. Here we are talking about the
Middle Rio Grande Valley, and we have a nice photo
of the Organ Mountains, FAR to the south of the Middle
Rio Grande Valley, down next to Las Cruces,
Here's a map of what is, for most political and historical
purposes and definitions, the Middle Rio Grande Valley,
published by the New Mexico Museum of Natural History.
Well, you can see what kind of ignorant fools we're
dealing with. They can't even illustrate their text correctly.
That picture is NOT from the area we're talking about.
It's about a hundred miles south.
It's about a hundred miles south.
"Well, it does't matter. Not in the slightest."
Oh yes it does, our little moron. Our little PR pimp.
This kind of BS is blatantly illegal.
This kind of BS is blatantly illegal.
It's misleading. It's bad advertising practice.
A photo is the product in action, one might say.
You're talkin' Middle Rio Grande Valley,
and showin' Mesilla Valley.
It's false advertising.
Someone needs to report you guys to the
Attorney General's Office. Maybe I will.
Misleading people on WATER right now ought
to be a hanging offense.
There might be a method to their madness.
They'll have that used-car salesman disguised as an attorney
from Las Cruces that serves in the State Legislature,
Joseph Cervantes, crawling into bed with them,
thinking he'll get some of the water moved south,
to Las Cruces and the Mesilla Valley.
That would be absolutely wonderful
for the gospel of "growth" that Cervantes
preaches in the public pulpits on behalf of the
"best interests" of southern New Mexico.
"Best interests" as defined by developers, agri-business,
bankers, hustlers, and ignorant politicians.
Oh, I see what's going on here now.
You guys are clever.
But you're still breaking the law.
Misrepresentation may be common at your office,
but it doesn't fly too well if you get caught.
Small-town PR flacks.
A photo is the product in action, one might say.
You're talkin' Middle Rio Grande Valley,
and showin' Mesilla Valley.
It's false advertising.
Someone needs to report you guys to the
Attorney General's Office. Maybe I will.
Misleading people on WATER right now ought
to be a hanging offense.
There might be a method to their madness.
They'll have that used-car salesman disguised as an attorney
from Las Cruces that serves in the State Legislature,
Joseph Cervantes, crawling into bed with them,
thinking he'll get some of the water moved south,
to Las Cruces and the Mesilla Valley.
That would be absolutely wonderful
for the gospel of "growth" that Cervantes
preaches in the public pulpits on behalf of the
"best interests" of southern New Mexico.
"Best interests" as defined by developers, agri-business,
bankers, hustlers, and ignorant politicians.
Oh, I see what's going on here now.
You guys are clever.
But you're still breaking the law.
Misrepresentation may be common at your office,
but it doesn't fly too well if you get caught.
Small-town PR flacks.
Ignorant. Amateurish. Fraudulent.
Must be that bunch over at The Waite Company at work.
It's amazing. You'd think the foreigners would get
someone worth a shit. Hell, they've got the money.
Or are they just too damned 'TIGHT' -
still have the first buck they ever made.
You know the type.
Or are they just too damned 'TIGHT' -
still have the first buck they ever made.
You know the type.
The Scotch and the Jews have both had to suffer
racial stereotyping because of this very trait
among some bad apples in their population -
the cheap ones, the slow-to-pay, the greedy,
no charity (except when it's public),
no soul.
Cash is the sole/soul denominator.
The worst. The pigs.
Anyhow, it's all as bland as can be and
loaded with misinformation. We'll take each
page and dissect it on the blog over time.
It's neat that I can just copy it, (and I have),
page by page, and we can all examine it, together,
and take a careful look at what they're
claiming - dissect the data.
They never put a copyright on the site.
It's unbelievably stupid. It's a commercial site.
I don't copyright because I want my material
spread to the four directions.
Not to copyright the company message seems strange at best,
or incredibly dim-witted on the other end.
What, was the company attorney on a bender?
Who are these dismal failures?
And who pays them?
The masters seem as stupid as the slaves,
and vice-versa.
Why does the San Augustin Plains water issue
draw such secretive,
fraudulent, worthless, un-American, anti-American,
shysters to the table?
Who also refuse to pay for a good PR outfit.
What's wrong with these people?
Too much good food and wine?
Too much EUROTRASH life?
(A cop told me that EUROTRASH is a new term
in law enforcement
for all the scam artists from EUROPA that
enter the American scene for operations of all types.
A new twist on white trash - this defines it geographically,
trash from the Old Country -
They never put a copyright on the site.
It's unbelievably stupid. It's a commercial site.
I don't copyright because I want my material
spread to the four directions.
Not to copyright the company message seems strange at best,
or incredibly dim-witted on the other end.
What, was the company attorney on a bender?
Who are these dismal failures?
And who pays them?
The masters seem as stupid as the slaves,
and vice-versa.
Why does the San Augustin Plains water issue
draw such secretive,
fraudulent, worthless, un-American, anti-American,
shysters to the table?
Who also refuse to pay for a good PR outfit.
What's wrong with these people?
Too much good food and wine?
Too much EUROTRASH life?
(A cop told me that EUROTRASH is a new term
in law enforcement
for all the scam artists from EUROPA that
enter the American scene for operations of all types.
A new twist on white trash - this defines it geographically,
trash from the Old Country -
Anyway, here's an example of show-and-tell
with their site.
with their site.
Para # 2 on their website homepage states:
The demand for water in our state already surpasses its availability, and the situation is becoming even more dire due to extreme drought. That is why the project’s supporters and sponsors are committed to developing this much-needed resource on behalf of all New Mexicans. This state-of-the-art, eco-friendly project will be unique, producing its own power for operation through hydropower and solar energy. But more importantly, the project will create a new, sustainable and abundant source of water independent of compacts with other states.
Eco-friendly? Nonsense.
Read our post about this point -
The LLC has been on this "green" and "eco-friendly"
campaign as of the last six months or so - they keep
coming up with new sales ideas. This one's a lie.
Paragraph #3 states:
This will be accomplished by replenishing a massive, underground aquifer in western New Mexico with rainwater that is currently lost to evaporation. The project will provide water to New Mexicans where it is needed most, and will also improve river habitat and water quality in the Rio Grande. With support from local, state, and federal agencies as well as New Mexico’s local communities, this project can begin delivering this desperately needed water within five years.
Water, water, water!
Water is essential for all life—
--plant, animal and human life.
Water is clear
Water is colourless
Water is tasteless
Water is transparent
Water pours on Earth as rain.
Water covers about 3/4of the Earth's surface
Water bodies are ocean, sea, lake, river
Water can be had from wells by digging the Earth
Water naturally occurs as mineral water as at spa.
Water is in liquid form
Water is in solid form (ice)
Water is in gaseous form (water vapour)
Water is as snow and snowflakes.
Water is secreted from the body-
-as urine, tears, perspiration, and saliva.
Water is a chemical compound
Water is composed of two elements
Water molecule contains—
-one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms.
Water boils at 212 degrees F or 100 degrees C
Water freezes at 32 degrees F o 0 degrees C.
Water, water, water!
Water is essential for all life—
--plant, animal and human life.
Water is clear
Water is colourless
Water is tasteless
Water is transparent
Water pours on Earth as rain.
Water covers about 3/4of the Earth's surface
Water bodies are ocean, sea, lake, river
Water can be had from wells by digging the Earth
Water naturally occurs as mineral water as at spa.
Water is in liquid form
Water is in solid form (ice)
Water is in gaseous form (water vapour)
Water is as snow and snowflakes.
Water is secreted from the body-
-as urine, tears, perspiration, and saliva.
Water is a chemical compound
Water is composed of two elements
Water molecule contains—
-one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms.
Water boils at 212 degrees F or 100 degrees C
Water freezes at 32 degrees F o 0 degrees C.
Water, water, water!
chandra thiagarajan

I'll get back to this when I have time.
Right now I need to water the roses and sunflowers
with Hop Canyon aqua.
Thanks to Tom and Brandon!
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